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Command line test suite

This test check that illegal command lines cause acc to
exit with a non null return code.
- Note that normal use is overly tested in other tests,
so here mainly error situations are tested.
- Note also that quiet and verbose mode (-q / -v) are also tested
in other tests.

Command line test suite / Help options

Test that the -h, --help or no command line will output :

Acc normal use :
   acc rules_file -Ir directory [-Ir directory]*

General form :
   acc [Options]* [Queries] [-ar | --append_rule 'some rule']* [rules_file] [-I[r] directory]*

   -I  src : looks for sources in src dir
   -Ir src : looks for sources in src dir and subdirs

Rules :
   Rules may be in a text file, or directly in the command line prefixed with -ar
   When both are provided, rules in command line are appended to rules in the file

Options :
   -r  | --recursive      : all following -I are recursive
   -We | --Warnings=error : treat warnings as errors
   -v  | --verbose
   -q  | --quiet          : no message unless error. Warning are also ignored.
         --version        : acc version
   -h  | --help           : this message

Queries :
   -lf  | --list_files        : list analyzed sources files
   -ld  | --list_dependencies : list identified units and dependencies in analyzed sources files
   -lr  | --list_rules        : list rules in a rules file
   -lnc | --list_non_covered  : list compilation units not involved in rules file
   -ct  | --create_template   : create a commented example of rules file
   If any, only one of the queries is performed
   and the full analysis on sources is not done.

Use examples:
   acc rules.txt -Ir src
   acc -lf -Ir src
   acc -lr rules.txt
   acc -ar 'Java.IO use is forbidden' -Ir src

Rules file:
   To start a new rules file, run:
   acc -ct
   A commented file will be created : rename it and edit it.

Command line test suite / Help options Successful

Command line test suite / Version option

Test that the --version will put :


Command line test suite / Version option Successful

Command line test suite / -I option without src dir

When running:

acc -I


Error : Sources directory expected after -I

Command line test suite / -I option without src dir Successful

Command line test suite / -I option with an unknown dir

When running:

acc -I qsdqjh


Error : No qsdqjh directory

Command line test suite / -I option with an unknown dir Successful

Command line test suite / unknown -xyz option

When running:

acc -xzy


Error : Unknown rules file or unknown option -xzy

Command line test suite / unknown -xyz option Successful

Command line test suite / -I option with... nothing to do

(no rules file, no -ld or -lf, etc.)

When running:

mkdir -p dir6
touch dir6/src.adb
acc -I dir6


Error : Nothing to do with those sources

Acc normal use :
   acc rules_file -Ir directory [-Ir directory]*

General form :
   acc [Options]* [Queries] [-ar | --append_rule 'some rule']* [rules_file] [-I[r] directory]*

   -I  src : looks for sources in src dir
   -Ir src : looks for sources in src dir and subdirs

Rules :
   Rules may be in a text file, or directly in the command line prefixed with -ar
   When both are provided, rules in command line are appended to rules in the file

Options :
   -r  | --recursive      : all following -I are recursive
   -We | --Warnings=error : treat warnings as errors
   -v  | --verbose
   -q  | --quiet          : no message unless error. Warning are also ignored.
         --version        : acc version
   -h  | --help           : this message

Queries :
   -lf  | --list_files        : list analyzed sources files
   -ld  | --list_dependencies : list identified units and dependencies in analyzed sources files
   -lr  | --list_rules        : list rules in a rules file
   -lnc | --list_non_covered  : list compilation units not involved in rules file
   -ct  | --create_template   : create a commented example of rules file
   If any, only one of the queries is performed
   and the full analysis on sources is not done.

Use examples:
   acc rules.txt -Ir src
   acc -lf -Ir src
   acc -lr rules.txt
   acc -ar 'Java.IO use is forbidden' -Ir src

Rules file:
   To start a new rules file, run:
   acc -ct
   A commented file will be created : rename it and edit it.

Command line test suite / -I option with... nothing to do Successful

Command line test suite / -lr option without rules file

When running:

acc -lr


Error : No rules file given

Acc normal use :
   acc rules_file -Ir directory [-Ir directory]*

General form :
   acc [Options]* [Queries] [-ar | --append_rule 'some rule']* [rules_file] [-I[r] directory]*

   -I  src : looks for sources in src dir
   -Ir src : looks for sources in src dir and subdirs

Rules :
   Rules may be in a text file, or directly in the command line prefixed with -ar
   When both are provided, rules in command line are appended to rules in the file

Options :
   -r  | --recursive      : all following -I are recursive
   -We | --Warnings=error : treat warnings as errors
   -v  | --verbose
   -q  | --quiet          : no message unless error. Warning are also ignored.
         --version        : acc version
   -h  | --help           : this message

Queries :
   -lf  | --list_files        : list analyzed sources files
   -ld  | --list_dependencies : list identified units and dependencies in analyzed sources files
   -lr  | --list_rules        : list rules in a rules file
   -lnc | --list_non_covered  : list compilation units not involved in rules file
   -ct  | --create_template   : create a commented example of rules file
   If any, only one of the queries is performed
   and the full analysis on sources is not done.

Use examples:
   acc rules.txt -Ir src
   acc -lf -Ir src
   acc -lr rules.txt
   acc -ar 'Java.IO use is forbidden' -Ir src

Rules file:
   To start a new rules file, run:
   acc -ct
   A commented file will be created : rename it and edit it.

Command line test suite / -lr option without rules file Successful

When running:

mkdir dir9
acc -lf -I dir9


Warning : Cannot list files, no sources found to analyze

acc return 1 if -We or --Warnings=error

Command line test suite / Legal line, but no src file in the given (existing) directory Successful

Command line test suite / file given to -I, instead of a directory

When running:

touch rules.txt src.adb
acc rules.txt -I src.adb


Error : src.adb is not a directory

Command line test suite / file given to -I, instead of a directory Successful

Command line test suite / -ld given, but no source found

When running:

mkdir -p dir11

echo Interfaces use is forbidden > rules.txt

acc rules.txt -ld -I dir11


Warning : Cannot list dependencies, no sources found

Command line test suite / -ld given, but no source found Successful

Command line test suite / src found, but nothing to do whith it

When running:

mkdir -p dir12
touch dir12/src.adb
acc -I dir12


Error : Nothing to do with those sources

Acc normal use :
   acc rules_file -Ir directory [-Ir directory]*

General form :
   acc [Options]* [Queries] [-ar | --append_rule 'some rule']* [rules_file] [-I[r] directory]*

   -I  src : looks for sources in src dir
   -Ir src : looks for sources in src dir and subdirs

Rules :
   Rules may be in a text file, or directly in the command line prefixed with -ar
   When both are provided, rules in command line are appended to rules in the file

Options :
   -r  | --recursive      : all following -I are recursive
   -We | --Warnings=error : treat warnings as errors
   -v  | --verbose
   -q  | --quiet          : no message unless error. Warning are also ignored.
         --version        : acc version
   -h  | --help           : this message

Queries :
   -lf  | --list_files        : list analyzed sources files
   -ld  | --list_dependencies : list identified units and dependencies in analyzed sources files
   -lr  | --list_rules        : list rules in a rules file
   -lnc | --list_non_covered  : list compilation units not involved in rules file
   -ct  | --create_template   : create a commented example of rules file
   If any, only one of the queries is performed
   and the full analysis on sources is not done.

Use examples:
   acc rules.txt -Ir src
   acc -lf -Ir src
   acc -lr rules.txt
   acc -ar 'Java.IO use is forbidden' -Ir src

Rules file:
   To start a new rules file, run:
   acc -ct
   A commented file will be created : rename it and edit it.

Command line test suite / src found, but nothing to do whith it Successful

Command line test suite / rules file found, but nothing to do whith it

When running:

acc rules.txt


Error : Nothing to do with this rules file

Acc normal use :
   acc rules_file -Ir directory [-Ir directory]*

General form :
   acc [Options]* [Queries] [-ar | --append_rule 'some rule']* [rules_file] [-I[r] directory]*

   -I  src : looks for sources in src dir
   -Ir src : looks for sources in src dir and subdirs

Rules :
   Rules may be in a text file, or directly in the command line prefixed with -ar
   When both are provided, rules in command line are appended to rules in the file

Options :
   -r  | --recursive      : all following -I are recursive
   -We | --Warnings=error : treat warnings as errors
   -v  | --verbose
   -q  | --quiet          : no message unless error. Warning are also ignored.
         --version        : acc version
   -h  | --help           : this message

Queries :
   -lf  | --list_files        : list analyzed sources files
   -ld  | --list_dependencies : list identified units and dependencies in analyzed sources files
   -lr  | --list_rules        : list rules in a rules file
   -lnc | --list_non_covered  : list compilation units not involved in rules file
   -ct  | --create_template   : create a commented example of rules file
   If any, only one of the queries is performed
   and the full analysis on sources is not done.

Use examples:
   acc rules.txt -Ir src
   acc -lf -Ir src
   acc -lr rules.txt
   acc -ar 'Java.IO use is forbidden' -Ir src

Rules file:
   To start a new rules file, run:
   acc -ct
   A commented file will be created : rename it and edit it.

Command line test suite / rules file found, but nothing to do whith it Successful

Command line test suite / template creation (-ct and --create_template)

When running:

acc -ct

Expecting file

-- ------------------------
-- Template Acc file
-- ------------------------

-- Acc files contain :
-- 1. Comments, prefixed by '--', '\\' or '#'

-- 2. Component definitions, like: 
Application_Layer contains pkg_1, pkg_2, pkg_3
--    Application_Layer is the component name.
--    It contains compilation units (pkg_1, etc.), or other
--    components, meaning that you can define nested components.

-- 3. Rules on units and components
Layer_A is a layer over Layer_B            -- Layer declaration
Pango may use Cairo                        -- Use declaration
Only Layer_B may use Interfaces.C          -- Restricted use declaration
Ada.Containers.Indefinite use is forbidden -- Forbidden use
Java.IO use is allowed                     -- Allowed use

--    Note that wildcard are not yet implemented, but
--    Java.IO means Java.IO and Java.IO.*

-- More extensive explanations :
-- File generated with Acc 0.6.0

When running once more :

acc --create_template
Expecting error:

Error : File already exists

Command line test suite / template creation (-ct and --create_template) Successful

Command line test suite / -ar without rule

When running:

acc -ar
acc --apend_rule


Error : Rule expected after --append_rule

Command line test suite / -ar without rule Successful