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Child packages test suite

The tests hereafter are similar to those in [Layer rules tests suite], except that child packages allows to simplify rules file.

The file rules :

 GUI contains P1 and P2  
 DB  contains P3 and P4  
 GUI is a layer over DB  

is simplified in :

GUI is a layer over DB

and packages GUI.P1, GUI.P2, DB.P3 and DB.P4 are created.

Child packages test suite / Rules OK test, no output expected

GUI is a layer over DB

Child packages test suite / Rules OK test, no output expected Successful

Child packages test suite / Reverse dependency test

Detection of a dependancy from a lower layer component to an upper layer component.

Expected output :

Error : dir2/db-p4.adb:1: DB.P4 is in DB layer, and so shall not use GUI.P5 in the upper GUI layer

Child packages test suite / Reverse dependency test Successful

Child packages test suite / Layer bridging test

Detection of a dependancy link crossing a layer.

Expected output :

Warning : dir3/ P6 is neither in GUI or DB layer, and so shall not directly use DB.P4 in the DB layer

Child packages test suite / Layer bridging test Successful

Child packages test suite / Undescribed dependency test

Detection of an undescribed dependancy to a component that is neither in the same layer, nor in the lower layer.

Expected output :

Warning : dir4/ GUI.P2 (in GUI layer) uses P7 that is neither in the same layer, nor in the lower DB layer

Child packages test suite / Undescribed dependency test Successful

Child packages test suite / Packages in the same layer may with themself

Child packages test suite / Packages in the same layer may with themself Successful

Child packages test suite / GUI.P1 is a GUI child, GUIP1 is not a GUI child pkg

Child packages test suite / GUI.P1 is a GUI child, GUIP1 is not a GUI child pkg Successful

Child packages test suite / Forbidding Interfaces but allowing Interfaces.C

Child packages test suite / Forbidding Interfaces but allowing Interfaces.C Successful