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Limitations and bugs

General limitations

  • only the first compilation unit in Ada and Java files is taken into account. As an optimization, the lexer exit as soon as a compilation unit and it's dependencies are identified.

  • do not analyze C dependencies embedded in code, only "official" dependencies created by (depending on the language) "with", "use", "import", etc.

  • detection of visibility through Java fully qualified name ("import" is not mandatory in Java to use classes) is NOT done at this stage.

  • Weird behavior : if all rules involves P childs, P will be reported as not covered by -lnc
    This is True, but not what is expected... Paradox.

[!IMPORTANT] Programming Languages limitations are listed here

Known Bugs

  • localization in rules files is sometimes a mess! (see 07_Rules_Files_Syntax test3)

For fixed issues, have a look at the Changelog

Submitting issues:

Healthy criticism, discussion and suggestions for improvements are welcome here.